Credit Value: 3
Instructor: Brian Rushfeldt
Course Description: This course is designed to help every Christian be influential – hence a leader. Jesus exhorted us to be salt and light. That is a call to EVERY Christian to be influential. James said “Be doers, not just hearers.” And Paul also pressed on toward that same high call. Our influence quotient depends significantly upon our character - “character markers." Consistently developing those markers allows us a more full release to fulfill the call/ dream/ vision from God. In this course, students will develop an accurate self-portrait that reveals their character strengths and weaknesses. Students will learn certain “laws” of leadership that will help to release them into their destiny. Finally, by exercising what is learned, students will experience a release to GO and influence the world they encounter.
Required Textbooks:
- “Leadership Gold”, by: John C. Maxwell
- “Spiritual Leadership”, by: Henry and Richard Blackaby
- Registrar: VBCI Registrar